1,4-Androstadienedione Description
Androstadienedione is obtained in high yield from both plant and animal sterols by biotransformation. The chemical is a common byproduct derived from other processes (e.g. vegetable oil deodorization and the production of lanolin fromwool processing). The product is produced in a single step via a simultaneous side-chain cleavage at the 17th positionand an alcohol oxidation in the 3rd position.
1,4-Androstadienedione Application
Chemical Properties White Crystalline Powder
Usage Boldenone related steroid; anabolic androgenic steroid
Usage Boldenone related steroid; anabolic androgenic steroid
Androstadienedione ( Androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione ) is a next generation orally active prohormone. It is a direct precursor to the anabolic steroid boldenone. Boldenone is an anabolic steroid most often found in injectable form as a veterinary medication ( EQ ). It is chemically a derivative of testosterone. 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione converts to estrogen at roughly half the rate of androstenedione and testosterone. This significantly reduces the level of estrogen buildup during use compared to that achieved with testosterone precursors, and similarly also lowers the chance of noticing strong estrogen related side effects such as increased body fat, gynecomastia and definition hiding water retention. Androstadienedione is used as a pharmaceutical intermediate for further synthesis of female sex hormones, hormone replacement therapies and oral contraceptives.
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