Anavar Dosage instruction
Male Anavar Dosages
Most men who plan proper Anavar dosages for their cutting cycles will find they have picked the best time to supplement with this hormone. For this purpose most men will need 50mg per day, with 80mg per day, although very expensive far more effective. Some men will find Anavar dosages of a 30mg per day range to be all they really want and while this will give them a boost it will be mild; very mild, as the Oxandrolone hormone is a very mild steroid to begin with. Regardless of your total Anavar dosages most men will find this steroid to be most effective at the tail-end of a cutting cycle, generally 6-8 weeks of total Oxandrolone use will suffice.
Female Anavar Dosages
Most all women will find Anavar dosages of a 10mg per day range to be all the Oxandrolone they ever need. If 10mg per day does not provide you better than decent results nothing will. Of course some will want more and there are many women who can tolerate Anavar dosages as high as 20mg per day but be forewarned, such doses can increase the odds of virilization symptoms. In any case, bulking or cutting, most women will find Anavar dosages in these ranges to be perfect. Regardless of total dosing, generally 6 weeks of use will suffice. If more is needed it is recommended you discontinue use for 3-4 weeks before be.
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