Methyltrienolone increases the aggressiveness and therefore the motivation of the athlet to go to his limits in training. It also decreases the regeneration time. An athlete needs shorter breaks and can train more often. Because methyltrienolone can not be converted into estrogen by the aromatase enzyme due to its structure in the body, unwanted water storage is eliminated. For this reason, methyltrienolone is used for competition preparation or diet.
Methyltrienolone was first detected in 2008 by a sportsman. Basically, it is easy to detect. However, it is possible for experts to modify methyltrienolone in such a way that it is very difficult to detect. It should be noted that the doping effect is not taken into account.
Application / dosage:
From bodybuilder circles was reported separately from dosages between 5 – 10 mg.
The dosage information given here is not intended as a dosage recommendation or medical advice. These are statements by bodybuilders who have used or used these active ingredients. The dosages should never be regarded as generally valid.
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