Trenbolone base features
Trenbolone affects muscle growth in many ways. it increases the level of igf-1 (insulin like growth factor) inside the muscle tissue. on the other hand, muscle satellite cells, the cells that repair the damage to muscle fibers also become more sensitive to igf-1 and related growth factors. it also increases the dna level in the muscle cells significantly.
like nearly all other anabolic steroids, nitrogen retention also increases in muscle fibers after taking trenbolone. the drug also has anti-catabolic properties. trenbolone can prevent catabolism or breakdown of muscle that usually accompanies intense exercise . cortisol and its related hormones have receptor sites inside muscle cells. cortisol is responsible for breaking down protein for fuel. it also suppresses inflammation that develops when the tissue is injured. it actually binds with these receptors, inhibiting the action of cortisol and other glucocorticoid hormones.
Trenbolone base dosage
A trenbolone dosage will depend on how the user reacts to the drug. some individuals can only take 35mg everyday but masteronothers can even take 150 mg, while managing to starve off extreme side effects. new users are advised to start with low doses initially and see their reaction to the compound, many people start with 35 mg of the drug. this level is appropriate for those who are highly susceptible to side effects from trenbolone. for an effective cycle the individual can inject another anabolic steroid like masteron.
Trenbolone base recipes (only for reference)
Get high quality trenbolone powder from sunpower-steroids by direct price
With Guaiacol
1g Tren Base
17 ml of oil
2 ml of benzyl alcohol
2 ml of guaiacol (super solvent)
makes 20mL @ 50mg/mL
Or with EO:
3g powder
2ml BA
12ml BB
23.3ml EO
makes 40mL @ 75mg/mL
Both work. If you don't want to use the special solvents just put your BA, BB, powder, and oil in and swirl and heat. Keep adding BA,BB, oil in the correct ratios until the solution holds.
trenbolone base 50ml @ 75mg/ml recipe:
3.75gr trenbolone base powder
34.31 ml eo
1.50 benzyl alcohol
11.00 benzyl benzoate
trenbolone base 100 ml @ 100mg/ml recipe:
10 grams trenbolone base powder
84.5 ml sesame oil
5 ml benzyl alcohol = 5%
trenbolone base 50 ml @ 100mg/ml recipe:
5 grams trenbolone base powder
43.75 ml sesame oil
2.5 ml benzyl alcohol = 5%
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