Masteron Enanthate Applications
Drostanolone enanthate can increase muscle hardness and density, giving an individual a more complete appearance when competing on stage.
Drostanolone enanthate can promote increased strength while keeping body fat the same or even lowering it, something can help to prevent muscle loss while dieting.
Masteron is often an ideal choice for inclusion in a steroid stack, or in some cases for use as the sole injectable for a steroid cycle.
Drostanolone enanthate can promote increased strength while keeping body fat the same or even lowering it, something can help to prevent muscle loss while dieting.
Masteron is often an ideal choice for inclusion in a steroid stack, or in some cases for use as the sole injectable for a steroid cycle.
Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg/ml - 250ml
50 gram Drostanolone enanthate (37.5ml)
5ml BA (2%)
50ml BB (20%)
157.5ml Oil
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