
Peptide GHRP-6 / 5mg/vial GHRP6 10mg/vial

The growth hormone-releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) is one of several synthetic met-enkephalin analogs that include unnatural D-amino acids. They were developed for their growth hormone (GH) releasing activity, then called GH secretatogues. They lack opioid activity but are potent stimulators of GH release.

How to use GHRP-6 ?
Injection may be subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous according to personal preference.
GHRP-6 is most commonly provided in small vials of 5 mg, which should be stored under refrigeration. (It is acceptable however for them to be mailed unrefrigerated.) The vial is diluted with a convenient volume of sterile or bacteriostatic water. For example, the vial might be diluted with 2.5 mL of water, yielding a solution of 2 mg/mL (2000 mcg/mL.) After the water addition, the vial again will be stored under refrigeration.
When dosing, an appropriate volume will be drawn from the vial with (typically) an insulin syringe, according to the desired dose and the concentration of the preparation. In the above example, a 100 mcg dose would require only 0.05 mL, or “5 IU” as marked on an insulin syringe. A 300 mcg would require 0.15 mL, or “15 IU” as marked on an insulin syringe.
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