
Nandrolon Powder Nandrolone base CAS 434-22-0

Nandrolone is most commonly found with a cypionate, laurate, decanoate or plenylpropionate ester. 

The ester determines how much of the given hormone is released over a period of time. Nandrolone is a modification of testosterone, meaning it is highly anabolic (muscle building) and moderately androgenic (male characteristics). 

Nandrolone is an anabolic steroid that promotes growth of various tissue, increases hemoglobin and red cell mass, as well as oxygen flowing to the blood. The drug is also used to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

Our body produces a very small amount of nandrolone, therefore in order to increase its size, many bodybuilders administer this substance for greater muscle mass, increased strength and more strenuous workouts.
Durabolin is also one of the oldest Nandrolone compounds and was actually released a few years ahead of Deca Durabolin. However, it has been Deca Durabolin and the overall Nandrolone Decanoate mixture that has dominated the Nandrolone market place throughout history. While Organon still makes Durabolin and there are many other pharmacies and underground labs that make NPP, it is not as commonly available. However, in recent years it has seen its demand slightly increase due to performance enhancement use. Durabolin is one of the most beneficial anabolic steroids to ever hit the market.

The benefits of this steroid can easily be seen in both therapeutic and performance based circles. In a medical setting, along with testosterone this is one of the most important anabolic steroids we have, and the advantages it can provide run extremely deep.

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